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Therapeutic Listening
"Listening with the whole body." Vital Links
What is Therapeutic Listening?
Therapeutic listening is an “evidence-based auditory intervention intended to support individuals who experience challenges with sensory processing dysfunction, listening, attention, and communication.”
"Therapeutic Listening is not a listening therapy approach that consists of one program that must be followed in a certain order. The various albums included in Therapeutic Listening can be arranged in a number of different sequences to address a client’s specific clinical picture and goals. Unlike other listening therapy programs, Therapeutic Listening programs are not formulaic, and cannot be mapped out at the beginning of therapy. Instead, they are more like a dialogue between therapist and client where progressions are based on practical guidelines and on how the client responds to each music selection." (Vital links)
Who developed Therapeutic Listening?
Therapeutic Listening is based on ideas from the Tomatis Listening Program, Auditory Integration Training – AIT (Berard) and Samonas (Steinbach) and also a Sensory Integrative Framework (Jean Ayres). Therapeutic Listening was developed by Occupational Therapist, Sheila Frick who is the founder of Vital Links (www.vitallinks.net). Sheila has extensive training and experience in working with individuals with sensory processing disorders.
How Does Therapeutic Listening Work?
Therapeutic listening works by stimulating the vestibular-cochlear system, therefore enhancing the accuracy of the sensory information that this system sends to its multiple neural pathways within the nervous system.
The vestibular-cochlear system was the first to develop in utero and provides a foundation for space and time organization for all other sensory systems.
The digitally altered soundtracks are played through specialized headphones and sets up the nervous system, preparing the ground for emergent skills.
The music causes the muscles in the middle ear to contract, helping to discriminate and modulate sound input. In addition, there are tiny bones in the middle ear that vibrate when sound is provided, stimulating the movement (vestibular) and hearing (auditory) sensory receptors in the inner ear.
This sensory information is sent throughout the central nervous system causing a multitude of reactions and improving the integration between the brainstem and the limbic system which in turn improves posture, balance, coordination, integration of both sides of the body, visual-spatial skills, emotional regulation and motor planning.
Who benefits from Therapeutic Listening?
Individuals with the following difficulties may benefit from Therapeutic Listening:
Regulating sleep patterns
Restricted diet and eating patterns/habits
Reduced attention and difficulties sustaining concentration for tasks e.g. school work
Communication difficulties, delayed speech development
Regulating emotional and behavioral responses e.g. tantrums, anxiety, flattened emotional responses/expressions
Irregularities in toilet training
Reduced social skills, engagement and reduced self-esteem & confidence
Delayed or awkward motor skills; coordination, planning and balance
Handwriting difficulties
Visual perceptual difficulties
Disorganization, impulsive behaviors or anxiety
Autism, Aspergers and ADD/ADHD
Sensory Processing Disorders
Downs Syndrome
Learning Difficulties
What are the benefits of Therapeutic Listening?
When Therapeutic Listening is coupled with a sensory integration framework it enhances the emergence of:
Attention & focus
Decreased tactile hypersensitivity or defensiveness
Decreased oral hypersensitivity with increased exploration and acceptance of different foods
Improved self-regulatory behavior such as a more regulated sleep cycle, more regulated hunger-thirst cycle, more regulated suck-swallow-breathe pattern, more regulated respiratory control and decreased stress
Improved balance
Improved coordination of movement within the environment
Increased postural organization
Increased motor skills, both gross and fine
Improved bilateral motor patterns
“Emergence” of motor planning
Improved spatial-temporal organization
Improved handwriting
Improved visual-motor skills
Improved timing of motor execution
Increased and more elaborate social interactions, with better “timing”
Discrimination of the dimensionality and directionality of spatial concepts
Improved components of communication such as greater range of non-verbal communication, improved/clearer articulation, greater emotional and verbal expression and improvements in pragmatic language
How is Therapeutic Listening Implemented?
Each client will need to be assessed for the suitability of Therapeutic Listening which will always be coupled with their Occupational Therapy treatment.
Your Therapeutic Listening program will be delivered by your therapist who is trained and certified to implement an individualized Therapeutic Listening program.
Each person’s Therapeutic Listening program will be monitored and updated throughout their ongoing treatment intervention with Milestones On The Go. Therapeutic Listening programs can be carried out at home, school/childcare and/or at the clinic with ongoing support from a therapist who is trained in its use.
The overall program is typically in place for three to six months for initial gains. However, many individuals continue beyond the time frame or find some of the chips/apps useful as part of an ongoing sensory diet.
Milestones On The Go offers a rental program for clients recommended to complete the Therapeutic Listening full protocol in the home:
Your rental agreement will include: MP3 Player, Headphones & Music: $350 rental fee (3 month duration) plus damage deposit.
Damage deposit: $150 refundable damage deposit. If equipment is damaged or not returned, deposit will not be refunded.
If you decide the commitment or cost of Therapeutic Listening is too great, your therapist will still implement it during treatment sessions should she find it to be an appropriate therapeutic modality for your child.
** All Therapeutic Listening music must be purchased by a Therapeutic Listening Certified Provider. **