Home of the Milestones OT Bus!!
Proudly Serving Charlottesville and Surrounding Counties

Why the Milestones OT Bus at Your Child's Preschool?
For Schools
Decrease disruption to the student's (and teacher's) school day with less class time missed for necessary therapy appointments.
Provide the opportunity for a student who needs therapeutic intervention to receive it when it may otherwise be impossible due to family time constraints.
Enjoy the benefits of collaboration with a seasoned Occupational Therapist without the burden of maintaining an OT on payroll.
Be exceptional by offering a unique service that other private schools don't.
For Parents
Free up your evenings by having one less after school appointment to attend.
Let's face it! Those after school therapy time-slots are hard to come by! No more taking off work or arranging for someone to bring your child to therapy during the school day.
No more arranging childcare for siblings if you prefer not to bring them along to therapy.
Know that your child is having a blast in therapy on the super awesome Milestones OT Bus with a seasoned OT who loves her job!
Interested in discussing how the Milestones OT Bus could go to your child's school?
Contact us today!
**Note: While OT services may be offered at your child's school via the Milestones OT Bus,
services rendered remain an "out-patient" service for which parents are solely responsible for payment.