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Occupational Therapy Evaluation
"It doesn't matter how slowly you go as long and you don't stop." Confucious
Occupational Therapists are concerned about an individual’s level of participation in daily activities that are important to him or her. These might include a child’s skills related to self-help, play, peer relationships, academics, and self–regulation. An occupational therapist will want to know what is important to you and set attainable goals that reflect priorities of the child and the family. Your child's OT evaluation may include:
Background and Developmental Information
-Gather information on birth, developmental and medical history.
Caregiver Interview
-Interview with the parent or primary caregiver is an extremely important component of the evaluation process. No one knows your child better than you. The information you provide is vital for identifying priorities and setting realistic goals that will make a difference in your child’s life.
Assessment and Observation of the Child
-An OT assessment focuses on building rapport, utilizing standardized assessments to identify developmental skill levels, and completing clinical observations that provide information on your child’s motor and sensory development, self-regulation abilities, and executive functioning skills to name a few. Specific skills that may be assessed include:
Visual motor and visual perceptual skills
Fine motor development related to dexterity, strength, grasp efficiency, range of motion, and bilateral use (how well the hands work together)
Gross motor strength, endurance, and coordination
Motor planning abilities (Praxis)
Primitive reflex integration
Self-help skills related to dressing, grooming, toileting, and feeding
Executive functioning skills related to attention, organization, flexibility, etc.
Self-regulation (how a child calms themselves or adapts to their environment)
Sensory processing abilities (how a child processes what he sees, hears, feels, etc. and produces an appropriate response)
Social skills, sibling, and peer relationships
Evaluation Report
-The final piece of the evaluation process is reviewing the report, which summarizes all information gathered, the clinical impressions of the therapist, and treatment goals that address identified concerns while utilizing a child and family’s strengths.