Home of the Milestones OT Bus!!
Proudly Serving Charlottesville and Surrounding Counties

Milestones OT Bus
The Milestones On The Go Therapy Bus is the first of its kind in Charlottesville!
This mobile therapy clinic is fully equipped with everything found in a brick and mortar clinic!
Sensory gym
Vertical play spaces
Imaginative play area
Fine motor area
Interactive Metronome and more
All thoughtfully designed by owner/clinician, Kerri Heilman, MOTR/L
to maximize every surface of the usable space.
The Milestones On The Go Therapy Bus can travel to your child's private school, preschool/day care, or you may bring your child to its various parked locations throughout the greater Richmond area. The OT Bus may or may not be able to come to your home depending on the city/county in which you live and restrictions imposed by their specific laws, codes, and ordinances. NEW Milestones OT Bus COMING SOON!!